Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Psychology As A Science

Psychology being categorised under the name science, can often lead to disputes within the field of sciences. Psychology is the observation of behaviour and thought process of the human mind, within itself it is a vital source of knowledge, such as how biology, chemistry and physics provides a source of knowledge that is vital to humans and the environment. Science can be seen as the study of natural behaviours and physical aspects of the world, this definition within itself accompanies itself with the idea that psychology is a science, as behaviours are studied within the field of psychology.Eysenck and Keane (2000) believed that to make something a science it must have the following features, controlled observation, in which a specific manipulation is observed to see the effects. Secondly objectivity, as when data has been collected objectively it reduces the possibility of bias, thirdly testing theoretical predictions, because if a theory is not tested there is no evidence to prov ide if it is right or wrong.Fourthly is falsifiability, which means the scientific theory has the potential to be proved wrong by evidence, fifthly is the unifying theory which is every subject within the sciences has a unifying approach all theories are based off. Finally there is the fact of is any research conducted replicable, as it is hard to rely on studies that could provide inconsistent findings. Although providing clear guidelines on what makes a science, there are still some aspects which make the divide not as clear as believed.For example psychology uses the scientific method in some of the studies conducted, which is used throughout science for all research, so this aspect can be seen to make psychology a science. Too many the field of psychology is classed as a science; the science of the mind, as it looks at the most complex thing on Earth, the human mind, all theories on behaviours and thoughts stem from psychology (BBC, 2013).In many areas psychology and the three s ciences (physics, biology and chemistry) have similarities, for example, the sciences can be seen as reductionist as they try to take a complex behaviour or physical problem and break it down in to a simpler form. Many theories within psychology on similar problems can also be seen as reductionist as it aims to take complex behaviours and thoughts and break it down in to easier components to study.An example of this can be shown by Freud (1909), Freud believes behaviour stems from the unconscious mind, making it a reductionist as it does not take biology or other factors in to account. Reductionism can be seen to be an advantage when it comes to conducting a study as it means testable predictions can be created, and then can be carried out in a controlled experiment. Although by making a reductionist theory can also cause disadvantages such as falsifiability. Popper (1963) believed falsifiability was key to science, as science does not seek to prove its own theory right, but tries t o confirm it as wrong.This means that if a theory is un-falsifiable then it is not scientific, psychology in many sectors is falsifiable through problems such as reductionism, but there are also theories that are un-falsifiable as they are untestable such as many of Freuds (1909) theories display, for example the Oedipus complex can neither be proven nor disproven. As well as having issues with falsifiability psychology also lacks the objectivity needed for science to make it truly scientific, as without objectivity the research is prone to becoming bias.Even in experiments such as Skinners (1956) rat experiment can be shown to be subjective, because although the rat is pressing the lever and the lever presses are recorded automatically, it is still down to the opinion of the researcher on when he believes the rat has learnt by pressing the lever they get a treat. This can be counteracted on the bases that psychology has the unique position of studying the human mind which in itself is difficult to operationalize, as not all parts of the behaviour and thoughts can be measured scientifically, which unlike atomic mass or miles per hour in science can be.Science within itself can also come across problematic issues over control and objectivity. An example of this is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle â€Å"The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa. † (Heisenberg, 1972) which means if something is precisely measured, and a hypothesis is believed to be true, it can often distant the researcher from the actual result. An issue with measuring investigations using the scientific method in general is it can restrict and affect answers within itself.An example is it can be argued that laboratory experiments are very artificial, so do not provide a clear picture of what would happen in real life terms. As well as sharing similarities with science on the basis they both have issues with control and objectivity, they both also share the same goals. They have three aims, the prediction, understanding and control over a study. Scientists and psychologists both put a theory forward, these theories in both cases lead to a creation of a hypotheses, this is the prediction.The next step is the understanding which is when you receive results from a prediction it should give the researcher and anyone reading the report a greater understanding of that subject. Control is the final step, the knowledge gained from the proven hypothesis provides knowledge which can be used to alter certain factors in the world. The three aims of science are according to Allport (1947), psychology follows these same three aims throughout studies, reporting and publishing work just as biology, chemistry and physics do.Throughout psychology the scientific method is used, but not in all areas although science has default problems itself with the scientific method. So it cannot always be said subjec ts within science always stick within the scientific boundaries themselves. Another point within psychology is psychology is a ‘new’ science, biology, chemistry and physics have been in service for a good period longer, so it may be in time more likely to be classed as a science.Nevertheless Miller (1983) would argue psychology is just a pseudoscience, an approach that claims to be scientific but does not have the key principles of science, he claims this can be dangerous as psychology is claiming to be a science, it provides the false ideal that their findings is ‘fact’. Although in comparison it could be argued that there is no ultimate knowledge of human’s behaviours and thoughts, so there must be a science to take over this role of discovering behaviours and thoughts.Science may study the physical aspects of the brain e. g. hormones that can be proven through empirical evidence, but it does not study the unknown areas such as behaviours, this is where psychology can provide answers. For example Piaget’s (1966) stages of development theory, that people develop starting at the pre-concrete stage and move throughout these stages until they reach the formal stage, science does not provide an answer for how humans develop in this sense.In conclusion psychology may seem like a vague  subject with no clear goals or guidelines, but it does have aims, its aim is to study the mind, the way people behave and think. Science still has unexplainable occurrences, that have no empirical evidence so in turn cannot be falsified, which in itself should make it not scientific. Psychology can provide answers for what science cannot explain, such as how memories are stored, psychology provides a theory for this whereas science does not. In conclusion psychology can be seen as a science to explain human behaviour that other sciences cannot.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Assessment and its important part of education process

Recently, research workers have progressively recognised the importance of formative appraisal in bettering kids ‘s advancement and attainment ( Bone, 1999 ; Wiliam et al. , 2004 ) . Although groundss provided in this work suggest that policies have underestimated the complexness of this sort of assessment- and that some instructors find it hard to do- the benefits of formative appraisal can far outweigh the disadvantages. Appraisal has become a really of import portion of instruction procedure and it has advanced well over the past old ages ( Johnston et al. , 2009 ; Hall and Burk, 2004 ) and, as our instruction system becomes more course of study focused, the accent moves progressively to how instructors teach and how kids are taught ( Butt, 2010 ) . In this position, acquisition is concerned with the building of apprehension, accomplishments and attitudes ( Johnston, 1996 ; Pritchard, 2005 ) . In other words, it is concerned with the type of larning pupils become involved with. In add-on, why and how we assess students has an tremendous impact on their educational experience and accordingly on how and what they learn ( Wynne, 2007 ) . In the visible radiation of these, this work aims to specify what appraisal is, puting peculiar focal point in the formative appraisal. It will besides critically analyze how formative appraisal may back up students ‘ acquisition, back uping the analysis with theories on kid development and kids ‘s acquisition, every bit good as observations and grounds from school experiences. Appraisal ‘ The appraisal of kids has to function a assortment of intent, but it is chiefly to inform determinations made by the instructor about what work a kid is capable of pull offing ‘ . Hayes ( 2006 ) Assessment means different things in different contexts and it is besides carried out for different intents ( Arthur et al. , 2006 ) . During my preliminary fond regard I noticed that instructors were measuring all the clip and some of those appraisals were traveling on besides during learning. For illustration, while learning, instructors picked up information about kids ‘s cognition through eavesdropping ( where in group treatment, the instructor would stand by a tabular array, but listening to the other table treatment alternatively ) or oppugning and they besides assessed the degree of apprehension of the category through a speedy quiz or game at the beginning or terminal of the lesson. Those appraisals have helped instructors to see what works and what does non in footings of pupil acquisition. However, they normally used this information to measure their ain lesson and/or the degree of cognition and apprehension of the category, instead than to do formal appraisals which could be fed back to students ( Preliminary Attachment, 2010 ) . From reflecting in illustrations from theory and pattern, it is possible to state that appraisal in instruction involves doing opinions about students ‘ attainments ( Alexander, 2010 ; Preliminary Attachment, 2010 ) . In other words, it involves instructors make up one's minding on how they will roll up information, what information is relevant, how they will come to a opinion and so how to describe and notice a judgement to those who want to cognize how students are accomplishing ( Arthur et al. , 2006 ; Aldgate et al. , 2006 ; Hayes, 2006 ; Hughes, 2008 ) . In add-on, appraisal is frequently divided into summational and formative classs for the intent of sing different aims for appraisal patterns ( Pollard et al. , 2005 ; Arthur, et al. , 2006 ; Butt, 2010 ) . Yet, argument continues over whether and how summational and formative appraisal should be distinguished ( Threlfall, 2005 ; Wynne, 2005 ) . In its summational function, the intent of appraisal is to judge students ‘ quality and features, summarizing these in a clear and widely acceptable format. Summational appraisal is besides known as appraisal of acquisition ( Threlfall, 2005 ; Arthur et al. , 2006 ) and grounds for this type of appraisal may come from formal testing of what has been learnt, taking to bring forth Markss or classs which may be used for different intents, such as studies of assorted types ( Pollard et al. , 2008 ) . Furthermore, surveies indicate that summational appraisal can hold a negative impact on pupils ‘ motive for larning, as instead than adv ancing ‘intrinsic ‘ motivation- in which they perform because they are interested and engaged with the work, summational appraisal is believed to advance ‘extrinsic ‘ motive, in which pupils merely react to the promise of some sort of wages ( Crooks, 1988 ; Sansome and Harackiewicz, 2000 ; Wynne, 2001 ) . On the other manus, appraisal besides has a formative map. In this function, appraisal is closely linked with pupils ‘ acquisition procedures, naming pupils ‘ strengths and failings, assisting pupils to develop self-awareness ; supplying feedback on countries of larning necessitating farther work ; assisting to steer them in their surveies and by and large actuating them and advancing the coveted acquisition result ( Pollard et al. , 2008 ; Alexander, 2010 ) . FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT AND PUPILS ‘ Learning ‘Assessment for acquisition is any appraisal for which the first precedence in its design and pattern is to function the intent of advancing students ‘ acquisition. It therefore differs from appraisal designed chiefly to function the intents of answerability, or of superior, or of attesting competency ‘ . ( Black et al. , 2002, p.7 ) Furthermore, harmonizing to researches, some of the cardinal elements of formative appraisal include the designation by instructors and pupils of larning ends, purposes or results and standards for accomplishment ; conversations, with feedback, between instructors and pupils that build on what is known and what is to be learned ; active engagement of pupils in their ain acquisition and besides instructors reacting to identified larning demands and strengths by modifying and/or accommodating instruction schemes, stuffs and attacks ( Stiggins, 1992 ; Stiggins and Conklin, 1992 ; Fontana and Fernandes, 1994 ; Fredrickson and White, 1997 ; Black and Wiliam, 1998a ; Shepard, 2000 ; Boston, 2002 ; Guskey, 2003 ; Liang and Creasy, 2004 ) . In the visible radiation of these, instructors can utilize the information of where pupils are holding problem and how they are come oning, to do necessary accommodations, such as re-teaching and seeking alternate instructional attacks. These activities c an take to improved students success. Harmonizing to Pryor and Crossouard ( 2005, p. 2 ) formative appraisal occupies a ‘curious and somewhat self-contradictory ‘ place within educational theory. Although may be argued that formative appraisal has ever been a cardinal portion of educational pattern it was merely in the late sixtiess and seventiess that the term was invented ( Black and Wiliam, 2003 ) . Furthermore, as a consequence of a turning international dissatisfaction with current signifiers of appraisal, formative appraisal was one of a figure of thoughts that attracted the attending of educational research workers ( Bloom et al. , 1971 ) . Since the beginning of the 1990s it has enjoyed considerable attending, particularly in schools, under the rubric of Assessment for Learning, following Caroline Gipps ‘s differentiation from appraisal of acquisition ( Gipps, 1994 ) . Part of this involvement has involved a acknowledgment that dominant signifiers of summational appraisal did non hold a good tan trum with constructivist larning theories, whereas formative appraisal seemed to offer distinguishable possibilities. Since so a significant figure of surveies, peculiarly in the UK, at all degrees of instruction have attempted to aline formative appraisal with modern-day psychological theories of acquisition ( Gipps et al.,1995 ; Boud 1995 ; Black et al. , 2002 ; Hall and Burke 2003 ) and others have besides taken history of sociological positions ( Torrance and Pryor 1998 ; Filer and Pollard 2000 ; Ecclestone 2002 ) . In add-on, in order to incorporate formative appraisal into schoolroom pattern, a scope of appraisal schemes and techniques are presently in topographic point taking to better students ‘ acquisition. Some of those schemes, which I have had the chance to detect and critically analyse during my preliminary fond regard, are: feedback, self- appraisal and schoolroom treatment. Feedback ‘Unless pupils are able to utilize the feedback to bring forth improved work, neither they nor those giving the feedback will cognize that it has been effectual ‘ . ( Boud, 2000, p.158 ) Black and Wiliam ( 1998a ) research on whether formative appraisal raises academic criterions in the schoolroom, shows that attempts to beef up formative appraisal can bring forth important acquisition additions ( Black and Wiliam, 1998b ) and their analysis of these surveies has shown that feedback resulted in positive benefits on acquisition and accomplishment across all content countries, cognition and accomplishment types and degrees of instruction ( Black and Wiliam, 1998a ) . Furthermore, when feedback is given as portion of formative appraisal, it helps to steer students through the actions they need to accomplish their end, doing them cognizant of any gaps existent between their current cognition, understanding or accomplishment and their coveted end ( Ramaprasad, 1983 ; Sadler, 1989 ) . Besides, it is taken for granted by constructivist theory that supplying information or feedback to pupils in an ongoing mode, such as that which formative appraisal should supply, will bring forth positive consequences ( Shepard, 2000 ) . Yet, during my preliminary fond regard, I have observed a twelvemonth 2 instructor giving pupils feedback information on their work. The scheme in topographic point was called ‘two stars and a wish ‘ , where the instructor collected students ‘ work and compared their public presentation to the acquisition ends, foregrounding two good points about their work and one point necessitating betterment. The instructor gave students their work back, bespeaking students to set their initials below the feedback to show that they have understood what needed to be improved. However, I have observed that some students, who put their initials below the feedback, found the feedback hard to understand, particularly when the acquisition ends had non been assimilated in first topographic point. For illustration, a peculiar student had the feedback: ‘Make certain you use two adjectives in your sentence to depict people and topographic points ‘ ( Preliminary Attachment, 2010 ) . This feedback given by the instructor was non sufficient to assist this peculiar student to shut the spread, as he did non to the full understand what adjectives were in first topographic point and was still unable to use this cognition in his hereafter work. Black and Wiliam ( 1998a ) farther elaborate on this communicating issue when they discuss the links between the manner a feedback message is received and what pupils do w ith that message. Besides, Hayes ( 2006 ) argues that in offering feedback, instructors must utilize remarks which guarantee that students understand their significance. He besides suggests that, ideally, kids should be given clip to believe and react to the instructor ‘s remark and be involved in the appraisal procedure, instead than inactive receivers, as these give them a sense of ownership in their acquisition. This position is shared by Piaget, who is concerned with the cognition and apprehension and the manner which new information is dealt with by immature scholars ( Sullivan, 1969 ) . Furthermore, the larning theory of Piaget and Inhelder ( McCarthy Gallagher and Reid, 2002 ) , which is the first effort to garner together constructs and research surveies of Piaget ‘s cognitive theory that direct relates to larning theories, besides suggest that the growing in cognition is frequently sparkled by a feedback procedure that consequences from oppugning, contradictions and accordingly reorganization. This manner, it is important that any theoretical account of feedback must take history of the manner pupils make sense of, and usage, feedback information, as suggested by Black and Wiliam ( 1998a ) . On the other manus, another observation on instructor ‘s feedback, evidenced during my preliminary fond regard, in a twelvemonth 6 category, had a more positive result. The instructor sat beside the student while giving him feedback and she explained to the student what needed improving, clear uping any misconceptions. Besides, when written feedback was given, kids were encouraged to react with a written remark of their ain. It was observed that this scheme has helped kids to make full the spreads and advancement in their acquisition, as the feedback to pupils was focused on accomplishment and had identified the following stairss in acquisition, in ways that students could understand and move upon ( Preliminary Attachment, 2010 ) . This is supported by Duschl and Gitomer ( 1997 ) , who argue that aggregations of pupil work may besides be used formatively if pupils every bit good as instructors annotate their remarks and continually detect their advancement. These show that the most helpful type of feedback on prep and trials are the 1s which instructors provide students with specific remarks sing to mistakes, offering specific suggestions for betterment and besides promoting students to concentrate their attending on their undertaking, instead than merely being concerned if their replies are right ( Bangert-Drowns et al.,1991 ; Elawar and Corno, 1985 ; Irons, 2007 ) . SELF- ASSESSMENT ‘It is clear that self-esteem, so cardinal to success both in school and in life more by and large, harmonizing to recent research, is all excessively frequently eroded by the experience of negative ratings. ( Weeden et al. , 2002, p. 152 ) Learners can besides play an of import function in formative appraisal through self-evaluation. This position is supported by experimental research surveies which have shown that when pupils understand the acquisition aims and assessment standards and are given chances to reflect on their work, they normally show greater betterment when comparing with those who do non ( Fontana and Fernandes, 1994 ; Frederikson and White, 1997 ) . In add-on, surveies show that public presentation additions were besides witnessed among pupils with larning disablements who are taught to utilize self-monitoring schemes related to their apprehension of reading and composing undertakings ( McCurdy and Shapiro, 1992 ; Sawyer et al. , 1992 ) . During my preliminary fond regard, twelvemonth 6 students were encouraged to measure their work by composing a remark saying if they found their work easily, mean or difficult. Students were besides encouraged to put marks for themselves and observe what aspects needed betterment. In this juncture, students demonstrated to be actively engaged with their self-assessment and were able to build their cognition and set challenges for themselves in order to accomplish their ends ( Preliminary Attachment, 2010 ) . Piaget suggests that kids should be free to work in different ways and learn through active geographic expedition and personal find ( Sullivan, 1969 ) and from a constructivist point of position, acquisition is non a inactive procedure and so, battle must be at the start of the procedure of acquisition ( Pritchard, 2005 ) . In other words, pupils learn most efficaciously when they actively construct their ain cognition, understanding and accomplishments based on their ain explora tory activities and contemplation. In add-on to this, active battle is an index that existent acquisition takes topographic point and cognizing that they can get by with troubles makes students seek challenges and get the better of farther jobs ( Clark, 2008 ) . Besides, Vygotsky ‘s Zone of Proximal Development ( Vygotsky, 1978 ; Smidt, 2006 ) shows that students learn best when they have a somewhat hard undertaking which they have to work at and which leads them to a province of ‘flow ‘ . Claxton ( 2002 ) suggests that ‘flow ‘ describes how engaged a individual is in an activity, the degree of soaking up and how engaged they are in their acquisition. However, in the same school, twelvemonth 1 students were asked to measure their work by seting their work in the several trays: smiley face if the work was easy, impersonal face if the work was all right and sad face if the work was difficult. While standing beside the trays, detecting the students while they assessed their work, I notice a kid stating: ‘I found this work hard, but I do n't wish sad faces! ‘ The kid them put her work in the tray with a smiley face ( Preliminary Attachment, 2010 ) . Over the last decennary there has been an increasing involvement in schemes that encourage pupils to take a more active function in the direction of their ain acquisition ( Falkchikov, 1995 ; Hyland, 2000 ) . Black and Wiliam ( 1998a, p.54 ) make the statement that ‘a pupil who automatically follows the diagnostic prescription of a instructor without apprehension of its intent will non larn ‘ , while Sadler ( 1989 ) argues that the intent of formative appraisal should be to fit pupils bit by bit with the appraising accomplishments that their instructors ‘ possess. On the other manus, the fact that the pupil found the work hard, yet placed it inside the smiley face tray, can be related to the kid ‘s self-esteem. Clark ( 2008 ) argues that kids love to be praised for their intelligence and endowment, but if this is the norm, the minute they encounter an obstruction, their assurance beads. If success means that they are clever, than, failure can merely intend the y are non. In the visible radiation of this, students can non work with the message that they can accomplish their marks by seting things right when they are clouded by overtones about ability, competition and comparing with others ( Black and Wiliam, 1998b ; Miller and Lavin, 2007 ) . Studies show ( Elliot and Dwenck, 1988 ; Dwenck, 1989 ) that schemes based on public presentation ends, such as smiley faces, adversely affects public presentation and they tend to take students to impute trouble to low ability and go disquieted when faced with trouble or failure ( Clark, 2008 ) . Miller and Lavin ( 2007, p.6 ) argue that there is limited research grounds which shows that formative appraisal will non needfully hold good effects on self-pride. However, they suggest that there is a demand to look into contexts where instructors are doing usage of formative appraisal as an built-in portion of their daily instruction, such as: ‘in busy primary schoolrooms, over longer periods of clip and utilizing a scope of different schemes and techniques presently endorsed as ‘good pattern ‘ , in order to happen out whether formative appraisal procedures might impact kids to different grades or in different ways. CLASSROOM DISCUSSION ‘What a kid can make in co-operation today, he will be able to make entirely tomorrow ‘ . ( Vygotsky, 1962 ) Since the end of formative appraisal is to give instructors an apprehension of what pupils know, or do n't cognize, and utilize this information to do antiphonal alterations in instruction and acquisition, schemes such as schoolroom treatment and instructor observation have an of import topographic point alongside analysis of trials and prep ( Spendlove, 2009 ) . Furthermore, the usage of oppugning and schoolroom treatment as chances to better students understanding and increase their cognition is besides encouraged by Black and Wiliam ( 1998b ) . However, they caution that instructors need to guarantee that thoughtful and brooding inquiries are asked, instead than simple and factual 1s, and pupils must be given equal clip to react. During my preliminary fond regard I had the chance to detect two categories where the instructors had in topographic point a scheme called think-pair-share, where the instructors gave the category a subject and asked kids to discourse their thought in brace or in groups of four. If in groups, students had to take one representative to portion the thought with the category. The instructors took into history kids ‘s old cognition of the topic and built on it to scaffold kids ‘s acquisition. Sing to cognitive development, the treatment was really productive and led to higher quality authorship, a higher degree of speech production and hearing and it has besides increased students assurance in their ability to lend. However, although some instructors in the school acknowledged that treatment and scaffold duologue have a great cognitive potency, they found this scheme really hard, as it demanded much on instructors ‘ accomplishments and capable cognition ( Preliminary At tachment, 2010 ) . Spendlove ( 2009 ) argues that although the think-pair-share scheme requires readying from the instructor, when used efficaciously, it engages the whole category in thought, speech production and listening through treatment and sharing co-operative acquisition with equals. In add-on, Torrance and Pryor ( 1998, p. 131 ) suggest that a focal point group appraisal can bring forth a great trade of information about kids ‘s cognition accomplishments and understanding piece at the same clip contribute to the procedure of making apprehension. Every kid is alone ( DfES, 2004 ) , develops in different gait ( DCSF, 2008 ) and has his/her ain storage of cognition ( Fisher, 1995 ) . Children can make a batch of speaking when given clip and infinite by a instructor prepared to listen and detect ( Robson, 2006 ) . Such talk provides grounds of kids ‘s advancement to day of the month but besides scaffolds the acquisition of the group as they interrogate each other about the nature of th e undertaking and collaborate to carry through it ( Hill and Hill, 1996 ; Shepard, 2005 ) . Furthermore, for Vygotsky, societal interaction has a critical function in a kid ‘s instruction ( Vygotsky 1962 ; 1978 ; Daniels, 1996 ) . Besides, Bruner states that ‘making sense is a societal procedure ‘ ( Bruner and Haste, 1987 ) .This means that we become who we are through take parting in the communities around us and our acquisition is reconstructed through battle with others ( Lave and Wenger, 1991 ; Kehily, 2005 ; Smidt, 2006 ) . This is because, with others, we can make more and achieve more than we can make on our ain. Furthermore, Shepard ( 2000 ) links this type of schoolroom appraisal with the constructivist motion, which suggests that larning is an active procedure, constructing on old cognition, experience, accomplishments and involvements. So, since acquisition is extremely individualized, constructivism recognises that learning must be adaptative to the context, affecting complex decision-making, and necessitating that a instructor draws upon a scope of techniques ( Giebelhaus and Bowman, 2002 ) . Besides, Fisher ( 1995 ) argues that kids should be provided with challenges that extend their cognitive potency. For Vygotsky ( 1978 ) , this possible ( Zone of Proximal Development ) exists non merely in the kid ‘s head, but it besides lies in the accomplishments, thoughts, experiences and from the kid ‘s societal interaction with his/her equals. Decision ‘When instructors ‘ schoolroom appraisals become an built-in portion of the instructional procedure and a cardinal ingredient in their attempts to assist pupils larn, the benefits of appraisal for both pupils and instructors will be unbounded ‘ . Guskey, ( 2003, p. 11 ) Evidence from researches clearly indicates that good, well-developed and effectual formative appraisal does hold a powerful impact on pupil acquisition and can be a critical constituent in our attempts to better instruction ( Assessment Reform Group, 1999 ; Guskey, 2003 ) . Further, formative appraisal changes the rhythm ‘s consequence where students attribute hapless public presentation a deficiency of ability, which discourages them to put in their hereafter acquisition. It besides supports the outlook that all can larn to high degrees ( Ames, 1992 ; Vispoel and Austin, 1995 ) . Yet, some instructors argue that measuring pupils for the intent of informing future planning and instruction can non be easy accommodated alongside measuring students for the intent of class/school answerability. This is because, in order to describe classs and meet answerability, instructors by and large need to take portion in or set about some summational appraisal. This manner, the intent of summ ational appraisal remains rather different from the intent of formative appraisal in monitoring and bettering advancement ( Herman et al. , 1992 ) . In add-on, groundss in this work suggest that considerable sweetenings in pupil accomplishment are possible when instructors use assessment, daily, to set their instruction to run into their pupils ‘ acquisition demands. However, it is besides clear that doing such alterations is much more than merely adding a few modus operandis to one ‘s normal pattern. It involves a alteration of focal point from what the instructor is seting into the procedure and to what the scholar is acquiring out of it. Besides, the extremist nature of the alterations means that instructors need extra support for detecting and/or developing formative appraisal tools, which non merely inform pupils and instructors about advancement, but provide aid on where the spreads are and how to continue. Furthermore, it is important that instructors acknowledge that every kid is alone ( DfES, 2004 ; Aldgate et al. , 2006 ; DCSF, 2008 ) and that development is a procedure which involves interaction between the turning kid and his/her societal environment ( Vygotsky, 1978 ) . So, if acquisition is to take topographic point, it is indispensable that instructors take kid development and larning theories earnestly and use this cognition in their appraisal and intercessions ( Department of Health et al. , 2000 ) .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ethics in Public Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ethics in Public Administration - Essay Example It is commonly described as the study of moral conduct. The term 'moral' as here used covers all conduct which is subject to the judgement of right and wrong. The distinction implied is not between moral and immoral, right and wrong, but between moral and unmoral, i.e., between conduct which has a moral aspect and that which has none. Ethics in public administration suffers from the absence of a theoretical framework to supply focus, definition, background, and a common frame of reference for the research and practice of ethical administration. There seems to be little disagreement that such a framework is lacking. In 1980, Dwight Waldo described the state of moral and ethical behaviour in public administration as "chaotic" (Waldo, 1980: 100). In 1983, James Bowman stated that "in both practice and theory, the ethical implications of administrative and political conduct remain largely unexplored" (Bowman, 1983a:71). Most recently, John Rohr, in presenting a "state of the discipline" report at a major conference, states that "throughout this report I have stressed the diversity in the ethics field; a diversity that comes close to chaos" (Rohr, 1986a:53). Utilitarianism Utilitarianism Utilitarianism is the idea that moral worth of an action is determined solely by its contribution to overall utility: that is, its contribution to happiness or pleasure as summed among all people. It is thus a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome. Utility, the good to ETHICAL FRAMEWORKS 4 be maximized, has been defined by various thinkers as happiness or pleasure (versus suffering or pain), although preference utilitarians define it as the satisfaction of preferences. It may be described as a life stance, with happiness or pleasure being of ultimate importance. Utilitarianism is described by the phrase "the greatest good for the greatest number of people". Therefore, it is also known as "the greatest happiness principle." Preference Utilitarianism Preference utilitarianism is one of the most popular forms of utlilitarianism in contemporary philosophy. Like other utilitarian theorists, preference utilitarians define a morally right action as that which produces the most favourable consequences for the people involved. However, preference utilatairans interpret the best consequences in terms of ;preference satisfaction'. This means that 'good' is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sociology of Developing Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Sociology of Developing Countries - Essay Example There was an economy relative to the region, where class structure and a system of racial difference which caused the South to become unique to the rest of the nation. Historians such as James Henrietta have said that Sociology was the cause of all evil within the Developing countries South. Developing countries Sociology defined by Max Weber is "a greed forgone", and "acquisition by force, whether directly in war or in the form [of] exploitation of subjects" (Weber, The Viewpoint of Sociology of World Religions). Republicans helped Developing countries Sociology prospering by introducing tariff barriers, making it that all goods coming from abroad had to taxed heavily before entering the country, meaning that prices in the USA for those products raised so the foreign companies could still make a profit. When presented with two items of similar quality, one with ultra-inflated prices from England, and one with a cheap price from Developing countries, it's likely that a normal person would choose the cheap Developing countries home brand product. By doing this Republicans helped the idea of Developing countries Sociology to prosper. As well as being the place to make a fortune, Developing countries also signaled freedom from persecution, in whatever form in came in. People facing religious or political persecution or just plain poverty came to Developing countries to alleviate themselves from negative aspects of life. This was an important part of the Developing countries dream as it made many immigrants cross the seas to seek this liberty. On the surface Developing countries Sociology seemed to be helping the country no-end. There were several visible indications of the prosperity. Mass production meant that technological advances such as washing machines and hovers became available to many families. The inflating wages helped to fund the new streak of consumerism that swept the country, Developing countriess wages were far higher than any comparitable jobs over the world. New motor cars were popping up all over the place, thanks to Henry Ford, a figure often used to symbolize the Developing countries dream as he was so successful, and even today is a household name. A newly founded advertising industry worked its tricky magic amongst the susceptible citizens, making goods seem all the more glamorous. Easy credit helped in the purchase of the goods once a person was dedicated to enriching their life with it. For those who lived far from shops and arcades came mail order catalogues and traveling salesmen, meaning people all over Developing countries could enjoy the wonders of consumerism. Prosperity could also been seen in the low unemployment rates, helped considerably by the roaring construction industry, turning cities around Developing countries in bristling concrete porcupines. Over all this opulence was the booming stock market on Wall Street, rising to an all time high, representing all that was Developing countries Sociology, rapidly increasing from strength to strength, unfortunately building on the unsteady foundation of a dream. In 1928 the number of people living beneath the poverty line - those who do not earn enough to buy basic food, clothing and shelter- increased to an estimated 42% of Developing countr

Nevertheless Botticelli as a True Renaissance Master Research Paper

Nevertheless Botticelli as a True Renaissance Master - Research Paper Example Born in Florence, Botticelli owes much of his style to Fra Filippo Lippi to whom he was apprenticed as a child. â€Å"Lippo Lippi’s synthesis of the new control of three-dimensional forms, tender expressiveness in face and gesture, and decorative details inherited from the late Gothic style were the strongest influences on Botticelli†. The composition of the painting is also worth noting for it draws the viewer to the background which depicts a tranquil pastoral landscape. Similar compositions are to be found in many of Botticelli’s paintings, including those mentioned earlier, and is perhaps an allusion to ‘mother nature’ and ‘neo-platonism’, the fusion of pagan and Christian themes which tried to â€Å"reconcile classical and Christian views†(Sandro Botticelli [2}, by combining â€Å"Christian faith with ancient mythology, rather than merely relating them† (Sandro Botticelli [3]). This painting thus is Botticelli’s contribution to Renaissance art, based on â€Å"myth and partly inspired by contemporary poetry and literature† and on his interpretation of Greek and Roman mythology (Portrait of the Artist Sandro Botticelli). The fusion of these two aspects is one of the most special characteristics of Botticelli's work. Overall, the subject matter, composition, and fine detail and colour make this work of art truly timeless. In his time, Botticelli was the acknowledged authority of line who brought the linear tradition to its pinnacle, soon to be replaced by the high classical style of Leonardo da Vinci. Nevertheless, Botticelli is still recalled for his works and for being a true Renaissance master.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Thought Control in the US - The Media and the Peace Process Essay

Thought Control in the US - The Media and the Peace Process - Essay Example Chomsky suggests that in America, you can say anything as long as it doesn't contradict the decisions that have already been made by the state and be obedient. As the broader meaning of thought control emphasizes the value of the human benefit under democratic setup, it is unfortunate to find political vested interests of an elite group of the state is protected by manipulating political thought control and behavioral conceptions. The author who has also written a famous book â€Å" Necessary illusions† argues that the U.S.A has followed this style of thought control since long ago and is presently reflected in its state policy towards Arab-Israeli conflict. He points to the contradiction inherent in the fact that, in survey after survey, the American public supports the concept of a Palestinian state. What makes it more interesting is that U.S.A which prefers military confrontation in Israel applies the â€Å"principle of historical engineering† which has also roots in Wilson’s administration in 1920’s and is nothing but historical containment of enemy through pervasive media propaganda and through imposing vested interests. He also comes up with another theory called â€Å"Memory hole† which means that historical records are altered in defense of state policy and strongly argues that it is responsible for unilateral thought control process. Overall, he expresses anger over the manipulation of the control of thought by the U.S.A and the responsible journalists which in the true sense affects the peace process.... rical engineering" which has also roots in Wilson's administration in 1920's and is nothing but historical containment of enemy through pervasive media propaganda and through imposing vested interests. For the defense of state's policy through thought control process U.S.A relies on "Newspeak", "Media propaganda", Memory hole" and "Responsive journalism", the author discuses in a beautiful style. He draws from the political novel, 1984, by George Orwell to explain the chameleon character of words used by the government and subsequently by the press to direct the thought of control in defense of state policy. The word "peace process" is the best example of exploiting the newspeak in the context of Arab-Israel conflict. The meaning of this word varies from country to country, but the media propaganda directs the thought control in the interests of U.S.A. The author expresses shock over the response of media showing the example of Bernard Gwertzman's article in New York Times dated 2 June 1985 criticizing the Palestinian peace stand and favoring the stand of U.S.A. This has violated the original meaning of peace process and supports the emergence of newspeak. He also strengthens his theory of thought control by quoting the "responsible journalism" and strongly condemns the Gwertzman's false statement published in the New York Times stating that P.L.O has not supported the peace stand. He also comes up with another theory called "Memory hole" which means that historical records are altered in defense of state policy and strongly argues that it is responsible for unilateral thought control process. Even though there were strong Arab peace proposals as mentioned in Thomas Friedman's "Two decades of seeking peace in the Middle East" dated 17 March 1985, unfortunately

Friday, July 26, 2019

Providing Feedback and Communicating About Change Assignment

Providing Feedback and Communicating About Change - Assignment Example fectively but times have changed and new tactics are required for improving efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and for the advancement of your career. Through market research and analysis and using benchmarks, we have come to the conclusion that the 360 Degree feedback method of performance appraisal is very effective in enhancing performance (Clampitt, 2010, p. 161). This will be used alongside management by objectives method for your own self-appraisal. The critical incident method was being considered but we found that it would be unfair to some employees as it requires the discretion of supervisor who is vulnerable to bias. We therefore chose this method as it will also be an indicator of whether all the stakeholders are contented with our services and they can also make recommendations to us on how to improve. This will help the organization achieve success and credibility (Dainton & Zelley, 2010). You also stand to benefit as you will know how other people rate your performance and you can also be able to improve your skills through the training and development we will offer you through this process. Moreover, you also stand to benefit in the end through the various rewards such as promotion and bonuses that will offered. Through this method, each and every employee will be evaluated by different stakeholders including the shareholders, customers, suppliers, supervisors and your fellow colleagues. They will fill out forms regarding how they view your performance and return at the end of every month. After every three months, a meeting will be arranged between you and your supervisors in your respective departments to review your performance and to see how your performance can be improved (Clampitt, 2010). This will assist you to improve on your weak areas and also ensure that production requirements are met in time. Those of you who will perform well will be rewarded at the end of the year with whichever type of reward the management will deem

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Articles review For this assignment you will discuss two published Essay

Articles review For this assignment you will discuss two published research articles relating to gender and education. Each one - Essay Example 2004; Putwain 2008) and Science scores (Okoye 2009). Still, one study argues that gender differences can be found based on problem type: â€Å"boys outperformed girls on spatial/conceptual measurement, whereas girls outperformed boys on formula-based measurement, as well as on a test of computation skills† (Vasilyeva et al. 2009, p.401) or personality (Petrides et al. 2005), while others provide evidence that stereotype threats can lead to gender differences in female students' maths performance (Ahmavaara and Houston 2007; Good, Woodzicka, and Wingfield 2010; Keller 2007). This essay criticizes the articles â€Å"The gendered subject: students' subject preferences and discussions of gender and subject ability† by Francis (2000) and â€Å"Student attitudes, image and the gender gap† by Warrington, Younger, and Williams (2000). In â€Å"The gendered subject: students' subject preferences and discussions of gender and subject ability,† Francis (2000) examine s whether there have been any changes in students’ constructions of gender and learning, because of changes in achievement trends and perceptions of gender. The author also studies their perceptions of most popular and least popular subjects and their beliefs about gender and ability. The study is a correlational design, wherein relations between gender and subject preferences and ability are determined. The sampling strategy is random sampling from three different mixed-sex schools in Greater London. Author conducted classroom observation and semi-structured interviews with one hundred 14 to 16 year old students. Findings showed blurring in gendered subject preferences, because boys favoured English, while girls preferred Math as the second favourite subject. However, in terms of students’ least preferred subjects, the sample was more traditional, with mathematics and science the least well-liked subjects among girls, and French the least well-liked among boys. Still, maths was rated second least preferred by boys, and French third least preferred among girls, which indicates greater diversity. As for responses on gender and subject ability, majority believed that ability at different subjects are not connected to gender. Still, those who believed that gender is a factor in different subjects agreed that girls were better at some or all subjects than boys. Francis concluded that stresses on female superiority should not be taken as an indication of absence of worry among educators, because it means that gender gap continues to persist, but at a different direction. It is important to stress the potential of both genders for all subjects to erase stereotyped images. Warrington, Younger, and Williams (2000) study the attitudes of students to GCSE work and explore why boys and girls seem to view their work in different ways, with emphasis on â€Å"image† in the article â€Å"Student attitudes, image and the gender gap.† Like Francis ( 2000), Warrington, Younger, and Williams (2000) conducted a correlational study using qualitative analysis. Warrington, Younger, and Williams (2000) used triangulation for data gathering: focus group interviews with groups of girls and boys, lesson observations and teacher interviews. Findings showed that girls are not stigmatised for hard work in class, while boys experience that their image is affected when they study hard in school.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethical Dilemma on Same Sex Parenting Assignment

Ethical Dilemma on Same Sex Parenting - Assignment Example There are diverse parties involved in defining the morality of same-sex marriage. Proponents of the practice highlight that it embraces moral. Based on opponents’ standpoint, same-sex parenting practice presents complex choices to different parties. Consequently, the parties involved are compelled to adopt societal norms as a justification for solving the ethical dilemma. The parties involved in same-sex parenting morality debate include policy makers, nurses, and parents. Policy makers have a central role in formulating relevant laws pertaining to the rights and role of same-sex parents. Nurses present different standpoint on the debate as to whether to adopt same-sex parenting. Parents have challenges supporting or criticizing same-sex parenting as a practice. Three principles ANA codes of ethics are applicable to the question of same-sex parenting as an ethical dilemma: the principle of social networking, the principle on social networking and principle for pay for quality, and principle on nursing documentation. The principle for social networking ensures nurses protect the privacy and confidentiality of their patients while using social networks including the media. It principle ensures nurses do not interfere with the freedom of same-sex parents to adopt children. It forbids nurses from disclosing confidential information pertaining to same-sex parenting. The principle of pay for quality relates to same-sex parenting as a practice creates an ethical. It compels nurses to offer quality services to sex parents; quality of service should be commensurate with the pay. Based on the principle, nurses must offer quality services to same-sex parents. Similarly, the nursing documentation principle is applicable to same-sex parenting ethical dilemma. Nursing documentation principle requires nurses to keep accurate and clear medical records for same-sex parents.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Changes to the law on Squatting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Changes to the law on Squatting - Essay Example A study established that there are approximately one billion squatters around the world, and also noted that squatting has not been sufficiently debated on academic or policy grounds. Section 144 of the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act, 2012 (S144 LASPO 2012), of the United Kingdom (UK), made significant changes to the law that criminalize squatting under some circumstances, including the intention to stay there. This paper will give a background of the law on squatting in the UK, explaining why it has been contentious and further analyze the changes that came into force on September 1st 2012, and consider their wider implications. Squatting in England can be traced back to 1381, where it was one of the major factors that led to the Peasants’ Revolt, and the 17th century when it was associated with the Diggers (Waterhouse 2005). They claimed ownership of common and waste land and cultivated it. It was the initial land tenure system that the peasants knew. W ith the passage of time, the development of agriculture and settlement necessitated land ownership and, hence, boundaries. In Wales, a tax policy as well as a population expansion in the 17th century forced a part of the population to move into the countryside. There, they squatted and built their own property on common land under fictional traditional assumptions, resulting in the development of small housing units. ... ributed to the large numbers of failing businesses in urban centers, which propelled squatting in Cardiff and Swansea, and was supported by statistics from the Advisory Service for Squatters (ASS) that squatting in Wales and England had doubled since 1995. In England, after World War I, many homeless people took up squatting as a necessity, but the post-World War II era gave rise to a bigger wave of squatting, which carried on into the 1960s’ wave of housing crisis. In 1946, servicemen returning from the war and their families were installed in empty properties by Harry Cowley, together with the Vigilantes (Roberts 2006). This was in retaliation to the severe housing shortage. Later in the 1960s, the Family Squatting Movement was developed. It aimed at mobilising people to seize control of empty and unused property and turn them into housing facilities for the homeless families that were on the waiting list of the Council Housing. Studies have suggested that it was common to r espond to homelessness by squatting, with at least 40 percent of the homeless opting to squat. More recently in the early 1970s, a conflict grew between the initial Family Squatting Movement activists and a newer group of squatters who were simply opposed to the landlords’ right to demand rent. They claimed the seizing of property and staying without rent was their right and a revolutionary political action (Reeve 2011). They were actually young and single anarchists, not truly homeless families, strongly against the idea of seeking agreement with local councils on the use of idle property. In 1977, the Protection from Eviction Act and the Criminal Law Act were introduced, and amended in 1994 after media campaigns that claimed homes were squatted when the owners were away, tightening the law

Monday, July 22, 2019

Self-Awareness Understanding Essay Example for Free

Self-Awareness Understanding Essay The short story Jonathan Livingston Seagull says a lot about self-awareness. At the beginning of the short story in part one the seagull Jonathan Livingston Seagull is beginning to become self-aware by focusing on trying to become the perfect seagull. In his progression to be more than the average seagull, by learning to fly he is learning about self-awareness. During his practices he begins to see what he truly can do and what the Flock is missing out on. This short story tells me that going along with everyone else and not thinking for myself or about my own actions inhibits my learning to become independent and fully realize the self. By doing what he wanted to do, Jonathan found out what the Flock was missing out on. When he tried to explain the dilemma the Flock was in they ignored it and threw out this attempt at change. It was a terrible loss for the Flock, but tremendous gain for Jonathan. Being outcast from the Flock allowed him to further excel in his self-awareness capabilities. He had a clear perception of what he was. The two seagulls who lead Jonathan to a â€Å"higher place†, which had been exposed to this way of thinking, helped Jonathan on his path. This may say that in order to be fully self-aware one must accept others with that similar way of thinking. In doing so one can spread the knowledge to others who are less self-aware or not self-aware at all, like to individuals who are hindered by their chains of routine and their disability to think for themselves. This story promotes self-awareness by making the main character venture off on his escapade that is viewed as negative by the Elders. They see his methods as wrong and â€Å"un-seagull like†, whereas Jonathan sees it as how seagulls should be. The Elders’ minds are clouded and they, along with everyone else in the Flock who adheres to the Elders’ words are not self-aware. By going on this unconventional adventure to better himself, the story speaks to me that I shoul d also become more self-aware or master the ability. To me it seems as if the Jonathan could be me and the Flock is supposed to be the rest of the world, and in taking this class I am going on his journey to another world with a few select others who are on the same path (the other students in this class). I feel as if the author wants the reader to develop his or her own self-awareness by focusing on his or her own personality and behavior. Only by learning about myself and reviewing what I do can I fully develop my self-awareness. Others cannot teach it to me. They can only teach me to teach myself. I cannot simply read about being self-aware to master it. I must place myself in worldly situations and learn from each and every experience. I am separate from the environment and other individuals. When I want good, solid information, I turn to the experts. So, who am I going to turn to for information about myself? Who is the expert? I am. Does a friend, a therapist, a minister, my hero, my parents know more about me than I do? They cant. I live in my skin and mind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, day in and day out. No one is closer to me than me! The answers are in there, perhaps all I need to solve these riddles is a useful question. In truth, I do not remember if I practice self-awareness regularly. My memory isn’t too good, so remembering this does not always go as smooth as I would think. I am however very self-aware, so I must have done it right over the past years. Thinking back on times I do remember, I can examine those experiences in which I felt certain ways and why. That train of thought can help in teaching me about me. A personal example is the time I gave a speech in Public Speaking and recorded myself talking. This was an excellent way to get to that part of me. By going back and watching that video I learned a great many things about myself that I previously had not. If we had recordings of our daily lives I think it would be easier for people to be self-aware because most of the time people do without thinking. If I had that back up it would greatly increase learning about my own self. Also, living in a country in which I was not born is a great help in understanding my individuality. It helps because I do not just flock to join crowds because I know what I am not. I think it would be a great help to go to another place and experience a different culture especially if it is far different than the original. It can quickly show how much of an individual a person is. I think that is how Jonathan Livingston Seagull developed his self-awareness so quickly. He did not fit in with the rest of his Flock even when he tried to be like them. He promised he would not go back to his previous ways of individualism, but he could not keep his promise because it was not who he was. It’s funny how people say, â€Å"How can I be someone besides myself?† Until one looks in a mirror and says, â€Å"Wait, that’s not me, is it?† To choose to be myself I have to be what I want, do what I want, and feel what I want. Following others’ ways of living causes them to become just like the person they are following. To be myself I have to make my own path and separate myself from everyone else. I must watch myself and get to know myself by observing my actions because I have not a clone to inquire about. It would be much easier, but sadly we have only ourselves to rely on in the situation that is self-awareness. Until people learn this, they are flawed and not truly who they claim to be.

The character of Macbeth throughout the play Essay Example for Free

The character of Macbeth throughout the play Essay Macbeth is one of Shakespeares four great tragedies, which contain witchcraft, treason, and bloody murder. In the following essay, I will be writing about the way I feel towards the character of Macbeth throughout the play and the way in which he changes. Does Shakespeare present him in such a way that we can to some extent understand, even feel for this disloyal, self seeking murderer or can we relate to Malcolms description of him as the dead butcher? Our views on Macbeth change throughout the play because Shakespeare portrays him in many different ways. At the beginning of the play he is seen as a brave soldier, at the top of his profession and rewarded by King Duncan of Scotland. He is spoken about as Brave Macbeth and Worthy gentlemen after his heroism in battle, only to later become cruel and unjust. He had defeated the Norwegians and on his way home meets three witches. The audience in Shakespeares time believed in witches and their sinister side, leaving the audience sceptical when Macbeth communicates with them, leading us to believe he is connected with evil. The witches then give Macbeth three predictions: All hail Macbeth! Hail to the thane of Glamis! All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter. Macbeth is already thane of Glamis but chooses not to believe the witches because he feels that the Thane of Cawdor is alive. Soon after some messengers come and deliver, the news to Macbeth that he has been granted the thaneship of due to a treasonous crime committed on the Thane of Cawdors behalf. Macbeth starts to believe that a third prediction is likely to occur, given that the first two appear to have. Two truths are told, as the happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme. Macbeths fatal flaw of ambition then overcomes him and he begins to contemplate regicide which, he feels is the only way of becoming King, My thought, whose murder is yet but fantastical. The attitude of the audience changes completely, however, the next time Macbeth meets up with the witches. Sympathy cannot be felt for Macbeth, as it is he who goes to the witches, not the contrary. At this stage, we cannot help but speculate concerning Macbeths apparent involvement with the evil forces, suggesting that he may have some evil present in him. One of the witches confirms this when admitting, Something wicked this way comes. Macbeth turns to the witches because of his insecurity. He is the subject of growing suspicion among many people, despite obtaining his ambition of kingship. On the contrary, he was enlightened when first meeting the witches that Banquos sons would be kings. This implies that children will be unable to follow Macbeth in the line of royalty and intrinsically apprehends Macbeth. In an attempt to find out how to keep his throne, Macbeth confronts the witches about his future. He is consequently granted three apparitions: Beware Macduff, None of woman born shall harm Macbeth. Moreover, Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him. These apparitions are all ambiguous, deliberately intended to mystify Macbeth and the audience. Why does Macbeth have to be cautious of Macduff? If no born son of a woman can harm Macbeth then who can? It is possible for a wood to move of its own accord so did Macbeth have nothing to fear? The ambiguousness of these apparitions and the manner in which Macbeth interprets them makes Macbeth over confident with regards to his safety because we later learn in the play that Macduff was not born of woman but of caesarean. We also learn that Macduff and Malcolms army cut down Birnam Wood and uses it as camouflage to get closer to Macbeths fortress without him seeing them. With the information they feed him with, the witches offer a hand of encouragement for Macbeths decisions (e.g. he kills Banquo because the witches say that Banquos sons will be kings) but are never responsible for what Macbeth does. They simply put ideas into his head, acting as a catalyst for his actions. The main influence on Macbeth, however, is his wife, Lady Macbeth, portrayed as a manipulative and domineering power. When Lady Macbeth hears about the predictions of the witches she immediately ponders murdering king Duncan. She realises, however, that although Macbeth is very ambitious, Thou art not without ambition, he is too compassionate to carry out the murder, I fear thy nature, is too full o th milk of human kindness. Lady Macbeth therefor formulates a plan. Lady Macbeth honours and loves her husband very much. She also conscious of her husbands reluctance to be thought of as a coward and when refusing to go ahead with murdering the king We will proceed no further in this business, uses the weakness to insult his manliness Was the hope drunk Wherein you dressed yourself? She therefor manipulates him into agreeing to commit the regicide. At this point in the play, we feel some compassion towards Macbeth, as he is weak in resisting his wifes ever growing influence. We become wary of the responsibility Lady Macbeth has on her husbands change of heart. Interesting to note, also, that at Shakespears time the husband would have been the dominant partner, and therefor the audience would have been cynical towards Lady Macbeth for her scheming ways and rare ability of being authoritative over her husband. In the scene just before Macbeth goes to kill Duncan he initially decides himself in his soliloquy to murder Duncan, despite the profound reasons not to. Macbeth appreciates Duncans fine qualities- his humility and his integrity in carrying out to perfection the tasks of kingship and knows that to destroy such virtue would be a crime against heaven. This leaves the audience divided in their opinions concerning Lady Macbeths influence on the plot. At this stage, I remain indefinite as to whether Macbeth really is the ruthless party in the murder or whether his wifes influence is the decisive passage. Lady Macbeths moral conscience is not as evident as her husbands. She is now the stronger of the two, and Macbeth cannot stand up to her accusations that he is a coward, lacking in manliness, and a traitor to his word. He yields to her, and in order to prove himself a man in his eyes submits to a womans guidance. Despite this, the couple has an affectionate relationship My dearest Love. Eventually the only loyalty that Lady Macbeth and have is their loyalty for each other. Disloyalty is shown when Macbeth murders the king just to make sure he keeps the throne. Unreasonable ambition takes over, with the consequence of loosing the things that were once important to the both of them. Lady Macbeth not only influences Macbeth on the murder of King Duncan but Macbeth also advances in killing his dearest friend Banquo and the wife and children of Macduff. When hearing of these unruly murders and realising that her husband is behind them she is driven insane by the sheer grotesqueness of them, The thane of Fire had a wife; where is she now? before her eventual act of suicide. Although not greatly evident King Duncan himself is a significant influence on Macbeth. Duncan is a very bad judge of character. He trusted the Thane of Cawdor He was a gentleman on whom I built absolute trust. However, The Thane of Cawdor turned out to be a traitorous villain. Duncan then gives Macbeth the thaneship of Cawdor. This is Dramatic irony as he is giving Macbeth the title of a traitor. This is also the wrong step because it raises Macbeth above all the other lords. Duncan praises Macbeth for his bravery at war, consequently making the other lords envious of Macbeth, and raising Macbeths ego. These three influences, the witches, Lady Macbeth and Duncan contribute significantly to Macbeths change in character throughout the play. The story unfolds as follows: The first time we hear about Macbeth is when the witches mention his name. This would make the audience feel uneasy and they would wonder why Macbeth is associated with evil. Their minds are then put at rest when the captain refers to him as Brave Macbeth. Macbeth is portrayed as a hero. He defeats the Norwegians and is rewarded with the thaneship of Cawdor so the audience admires him. They think that he is a loyal and worthy subject to the king. Then the witches meet with Macbeth; the audience would begin to have doubts about his loyalty when he starts contemplating about murdering the king. Macbeth then admits If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir. This emphasises that he is still unsure about having to murder King Duncan and at this point feels that if the witches have predicted it then fate will make him king without him having to do anything. King Duncan then names his son Malcolm as heir with Macbeth realising that he cannot become king unless he does something about it, That is a step On which I must fall down, or else oer-leap. Macbeth thinks a great deal about murdering the king and reasons for it and in his soliloquies the audience would see his thoughts and begin to feel sorry for him because his ambition is so strong that it is having a psychological effect on him. Nevertheless, in the end, despite the many doubts ultimately decides himself to kill Duncan. The audience can no longer feel sympathy for his actions because the decision to kill the king is his own; they would feel horror and dissatisfaction because of what he has done. During the time that Shakespeare was alive and Macbeth was first shown on stage people thought that regicide was a horrific crime and he who commits it, was eternally damned to hell. After Macbeth kills Duncan, he meets with Lady Macbeth. This scene (act 2 scene 2) is the plays most tense and dramatic. At the beginning, we see Lady Macbeth by herself in an agitated state. Every small noise unsettles her Hark! When Macbeth intrudes the pace changes, with the distinct exchange of questions and answers between them. This emphasises their state of nerves. We get an insight into Lady Macbeths character and the part she has played in the murder and also a little hint of weakness on her behalf when discovering that she went to kill Duncan but couldnt because he reminded her of her father, Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had donet. We hear how Macbeths preoccupation with not being able to pronounce amen after hearing the prayer demonstrates his state of mind his guilt and his awareness that he has sold out to evil and the powers of darkness. Because Macbeth is so tense he forgets to leave the daggers at the murder scene and when Lady Macbeth tells him to take them back he says, I am afraid to think what I have done; Look ont again I dare not. Therefore, Lady Macbeth takes them back. When she goes to return the daggers Macbeth has a short soliloquy. This gives us an insight into his state of mind. He is full of guilt, will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood Clean from my hands? This means that he cannot rid of the guilt. As a knocking is heard on the castle gates, Lady Macbeth returns but her husband is already regretting what he has done saying, Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thy couldst! Duncans sons Malcolm and Donalbain then flee the country for fear that their turn to be murdered will come so Macbeth becomes king. Despite having this title he is still insecure, with the prediction from the witches of Banquos sons becoming king, Macbeth decides that he has to prevent this fate and therefor hires murderers without Lady Macbeths knowledge to kill Banquo. This shows the audience how their relationship is breaking up. We are shocked at Macbeths decision to kill Banquo because he was Banquos best friend. After Banquo is murdered Macbeth hallucinates, he sees the ghost of Banquo covered in blood sitting in his chair at a banquet. All Macbeths lords are present but they cannot see the ghost, Lady Macbeth tries to relax him when saying, you look on but a stool. She tells him that what he is seeing is merely an illusion like the air drawn dagger which led him to Duncan. This indicates that after the murders Macbeth has a guilty, unquiet mind. He fears every one and in front of all the lords, he proclaims himself unstable. To the audience it appears as if Macbeth is turning insane and they sympathise with him because he has lost every thing dear to him: his best friend, his absolute trust and loyalty to his wife and the security of lots of friends who support him. Because of this insecurity, Macbeth pays the witches a visit with them showing him the three apparitions. With theses apparitions Macbeth is re-assured, his interpretation of them leads him to think that he cannot be harmed Then live, Macduff: what need I fear of thee? Macbeth then finds out that Macduff has fled to England in an attempt to encourage Malcolm to bring an army to fight Macbeth, filling him with anger. This provokes him to get revenge on Macduff: The castles of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to thedge othsword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line. This would horrify the audience; the modern day audience would be more horrified at this murder than the 17th century audience who would think that regicide is worse. The modern day audience would feel nothing but contempt for Macbeths act of slaughtering women and children. Macbeths character at this point is completely destroyed; No heroism, loyalty, or any good qualities that he once had are left. No sympathy can now be given from the audiences point of view or any other character in the play. Lady Macbeth commits suicide because of guilty conscience regarding what she has done and what Macbeth has done. Macbeth subsequently hears that Malcolm and Macduff are coming towards him with a great army, He is not too worried because of the witches apparitions and he says I will not be afraid of death and bane Till Birnam forest come to Dunsinane. Macbeth receives the news of his wifes death and through his soliloquy reveals that he cannot grieve for her, due to having his mind in the direction of battle She should have died hereafter. Only at this point does Macbeth realise that he has nothing left and all because of his over ambition. A messenger later comes and announces that Birnam wood is moving. The armies of Malcolm and Macduff have cut down the forest and used it as camouflage. Macbeth begins to lose hope and feels like they have tied him to a stake. In addition, he cannot fly. Nevertheless, he decides that he will fight on Ill fight, till from my bones my flesh be hacked. Macbeth then sets out to fight he kills a man and still holds on to the apparition from the witches that no one born of a woman shall harm him, Swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn, Brandished by man thats of a woman born. Macduff confronts Macbeth and Macbeth is not very fearful of him because of the witches apparition. He says to Macduff: With thy keen sword impress as make me bleed: Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests, I bear a charmed life, which must not yield To one of woman born. Macduff then replies saying that he was not of woman born; he was from his mothers womb Untimely ripped Macbeth now knows that Macduff is going to kill him but he shows a last bit of courage and he fights on. The audience cannot feel admiration for Macbeth because of what he has done only sympathy because he has noting left, and he knows it. Macduff then kills Macbeth and hails Malcolm as King. At the end of the play, we see Macbeth a respected hero turned into a vengeful villain through unreasonable ambition, with the influences of people around him. He commits regicide, murder, and vengeful slaughter. After the murder of Duncan, Macbeth is horrified to think of what he has done. Shakespeare contrasts Macbeth and his wife in their attitudes of the murder. Lady Macbeth is bold and confident, because she does, not understand that the deed is morally wrong: he only concern is to destroy the evidence. Macbeth, on the other hand, awakens to a consciousness of guilt that will remain with him until his death. At times, Shakespeare encourages the audience to feel sympathy and understanding for Macbeth but at times all that the audience can feel for Macbeth is horror, anger, disgust, and contempt, although at the end of the play he shows tremendous character when facing certain death.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Linear Sequential Model

Linear Sequential Model Introduction Software process (Jean, Badara David 1999) defines the way in which software development is organized, managed, measured, supported and improved. Although they may show different levels of sophistication in mastering their processes, all organizations involved in software-development follow a process of some kind, implicit or explicit, reproducible, instrumented, adaptable or otherwise. Software Development Organization in general has come to realize that the key to successful delivery (on time, on budget, with the expected quality) lies in the effective management of their software process. Generic phase Pressman (2001) mentions that software engineering can be categorized into three phases, regardless of application area, project size or complexity. The definition phase focuses on what. That is during definition, the software engineer attempts to identify what information or data is to processed, what function and performance are required, what system behavior can be expected, what interfaces are to be established, what design constraints exist and what validation criteria are required to define a successful and working system. The development phase focuses on how. That is, during development a software engineer attempts to define how data are to be structured, how function is to be implemented within a software architecture, how procedural details are to be implemented, how interfaces are to be characterized, how the design will be translated into a programming language, and how testing will be performed. The methods applied during the development phase will different, but three specific technical tasks should always occur: software design, code generation, and software testing. The support phase focuses on change associated with error correction, adaptations required as the softwares environment evolves, and changes due to enhancements brought about by changing customer requirements. The support phase reapplies the steps of the definition and development phases but does so in the context of existing software. Four types of change are encountered during the support phase: Correction: Even with the best quality assurance activities, it is likely that the customer will uncover defects or bugs in the software. Corrective maintenance changes the software to correct defects. Adaptation: Over time, the original environment (e.g., CPU, operating system, business rules, external product characteristics) for which the software was developed is likely to change. Adaptive maintenance results in modification to the software to accommodate changes to its external environment. Enhancement: As software is used, the customer/user will recognize additional functions that will provide benefit. Perfective maintenance extends the software beyond its original functional requirements. Prevention: Computer software deteriorates due to change, and because of this, preventive maintenance, often called software reengineering, and must be conducted to enable the software to serve the needs of its end users. In essence, preventive maintenance makes changes to computer programs so that they can be more easily corrected, adapted, and enhanced. Linear Sequential Model / Waterfall Model Linear sequential model or be known as waterfall model is one of the approaches in Software Development Process Models that software engineer used to defined and design which are used during the development process of software. Parekh (n.d.) clearly stated that all these phases are cascaded to each other so that second phase is started as and when defined set of goals are achieved for first phase and it is signed off. Phases of Linear Sequential Model (Startvbdotnet Contributor, n.d.) Feasibility The feasibility study is used to determine if the project should get the go ahead. If the project is to proceed, the feasibility study will produce a project plan and budget estimates for the future stages of development. Requirement Analysis and Design Analysis gathers the requirements for the system. This stage includes a detailed study of the business needs of the organization. Options for changing the business process may be considered. Design focuses on high level design like, what programs are needed and how are they going to interact, low-level design, interface design and data design. During these phases, the softwares overall structure is defined. Analysis and Design are very crucial in the whole development cycle. Any mistakes in the design phase could be very expensive to solve in the later stage of the software development. Much care is taken during this phase. The logical system of the product is developed in this phase. Implementation In this phase the designs are translated into code. Computer programs are written using a conventional programming language or an application generator. Programming tools like Compilers, Interpreters and Debuggers are used to generate the code. Different high level programming languages like C, C++, Pascal and Java are used for coding. With respect to the type of application, the right programming language is chosen. Testing In this phase the system is tested. Normally programs are written as a series of individual modules, these subjects to separate and detailed test. The system is then tested as a whole. The separate modules are brought together and tested as a complete system. The system is tested to ensure that interfaces between modules work, the system works on the intended platform and with the expected volume of data and that the system does what the user requires. Maintenance It is cannot be avoided fact that a system will need maintenance. Software will definitely undergo change once it is delivered to the customer. There are many reasons for the change. Change could happen because of some unexpected input values into the system. In addition, the changes in the system could directly affect the software operations. The software should be developed to keep or save detail of changes that could happen during the post implementation period. Project Output in a Waterfall Model As Contributors (n.d.) has seen, the output of a project employing the waterfall model is not just the final program along with documentation to use it. There are a number of intermediate outputs, which must be produced in order to produce a successful product. The set of documents that should be produced in each project are: Requirement document Project plan System design document Detailed design document Test plan and test report Final code Software manuals (user manual, installation manual etc.) In order to certify an output product of a phase before the next phase begins, reviews are often held. Reviews are necessary especially for the requirements and design phases, since other certification means are frequently not available. Reviews are formal meeting to uncover deficiencies in a product. The review reports are the outcome of these reviews. Based on the information given by The Software Tester Contributor (n.d.), below are the advantages and disadvantages for Linear Sequential Model. Advantages of Linear Sequential Model Emphasizes requirements before design. Single system design phase emphasizes planning and design of the system architecture and technology before coding begins. Milestone reviews encourage close scrutiny of phase exit and entry criteria. Sequential progression through phases readily maps to configuration control points and the establishment of baselines. Model structure is readily understood and communicable to all stakeholders. Disadvantages of Linear Sequential Model Testing does not receive focus until after the system has been specified, designed and coded. Many different units and sub-systems could be developed within the one project and the Waterfall Model implies that these are all specified and designed in one clump which does not reflect the reality Customer involvement is not throughout so issues with requirements are not always realized until later in the lifecycle. Linear progression through the phases can result in issue identification being pushed downstream resulting in many cycles of rework causing delays. The customer does not get to see the software until the very end. Project managers cannot always get a true picture of project health and progress, especially in the earlier phases. Rapid Application Development (RAD) Pressman (2001) describes rapid application development (RAD) as an incremental software development process model that emphasizes an extremely short development cycle. The RAD model is a high-speed adaptation of the linear sequential model in which rapid development is achieved by using component-based construction. If requirements are well understood and project scope is constrained, the RAD process enables a development team to create a fully functional system within very short time periods. Normally it takes about 60 to 90 days. RAD Models Phases Stages of Rapid Application Model (RAD) Pressman (2001) Business modeling: The information flow among business functions is modeled in a way that answers the following questions: What information drives the business process? What information is generated? Who generates it? Where does the information go? Who processes it? Data modeling: The information flow defined as part of the business modeling phase is refined into a set of data objects that are needed to support the business. The characteristics or can be called as attributes. Each object is identified and the relationships between these are objects defined. Process modeling: The data objects defined in the data modeling phase are transformed to achieve the information flow necessary to implement a business function. Processing descriptions are created for adding, modifying, deleting, or retrieving a data object. Application generation: Rather than creating software using conventional third generation programming languages, the RAD process works to reuse existing program components when possible or create reusable components when necessary. In all cases, automated tools are used to facilitate construction of the software. Testing and turnover: Since the RAD process emphasizes reuse, many of the program components have already been tested. This reduces overall testing time. However, new components must be tested and all interfaces must be fully exercised. Advantages of Rapid Application Development (RAD) My Project Management Expert Contributor (n.d.) The time required to develop the software is drastically reduced due to a reduced requirement analysis business requirements documentation and software requirement specification and planning stage. All the software prototypes produced can be kept in a repository for future use. The reusability of the components also fastens the phase of the process of software development. It is much easier for a project manager to be accurate in estimating project costs which of course means that project cost controls are easier to implement and manage as well. It is a big cost saver in terms of project budget as well as project time and cost due to reusability of the prototypes. If a component is being picked for the repository, it is already tested and hence need not be tested again. This helps in saving time required for testing. The project management requirements are collected in a dynamic manner. Every time there is a prototype ready, requirements are studied and matched. If there are any additional requirements, these are then included in the next prototype built. Disadvantages of Rapid Application Development (RAD) My Project Management Expert Contributor (n.d.) This method may not be useful for large, unique or highly complex projects This method cannot be a success if the team is not sufficiently motivated and nor is unable to work cohesively together. Success depends on the extremely high technical skills of the developers. There are times when the team ignores necessary quality parameters such as consistency, reliability and standardization. Hence this can make project quality management hard to implement during the project management life cycle Comparison between Linear Sequential Model and Rapid Application Model Below are the comparison for linear sequential model and rapid application model that are clearly stated by e2x limited Contributor (2005) Linear Sequential Model Development Linear Sequential Model development demands that all the requirements are identified and detailed at the start of the project. The system architecture is then defined, and detailed design of the system carried out before programming starts. The system is usually delivered in modules that, once finished are then integrated and tested. The big problem with linear sequential model development is that it assumes all the requirements, the architecture and the design can be identified, fixed and signed off up front. If this is done correctly, development and delivery of the system should be little more than the correct translation of the design into code. Experience has shown that it is incredibly difficult to produce requirements of such detail and completeness that the system delivered is exactly what the customer wanted. We have also seen that the transition from design to programming, from programming to integration, and from integration to testing can be fraught with problems; usually caused by misunderstandings, incorrect assumptions and discrepancies not identified during the requirements, architecture and design phases. Linear sequential model development can, and does work, but doing it right is typically very expensive. However, even when waterfall is practiced well, it is not very good at dealing with change. Every change in the requirements requires a change request, often submitted to a change control board. Linear Sequential Model works best when change is restricted. RAD (Rapid Application Development) In a RAD project, the customer is involved early on in working with technologists to quickly produce prototypes that embody the requirements. This gives the customer and users a chance to play with the technology early on to firm up their requirements and identify any gaps or incorrect assumptions. RAD projects then typically head in one of two directions. Some will become linear sequential model development projects, with the prototypes being formalized as requirements. Others will seek to develop the prototypes into proper implementations. The later approach often leads to a number of poorly engineered and poorly integrated solutions as fleshing out a prototype is not the same as developing a proper solution from the ground up. As with linear sequential model development, RAD can and does work. However, successful RAD projects tend to be those where the final solution is actually relatively close to the prototype in terms of implementation. Front-office solutions for exotic financial markets built around spreadsheets, and one-off, limited scope, database-and-forms applications are good examples. Conclusion As a conclusion, if I am a project manager for a specific software project, I would choose rapid application development (RAD) as one of my method to develop software. By using RAD, I can roughly know what end-user want with their software, I can get clear view what the software can do, how the software behave and what type of performance that I can predict out. On top of that, RAD also enabled the team to work quicker and we can produce high quality software that can meet end-users need.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Adultery Explored in The Scarlet Letter Essay -- The Scarlet Letter Es

That Nathaniel Hawthorne to chose such a controversial topic as adultery for The Scarlet Letter, his nineteenth century novel of "seventeenth century sexual repression and hypocrisy" (Zabarenko PG), demonstrates a delicate yet changing climate with regard to infidelity. Historically, carrying on an adulterous affair back in such an era of Puritanism and traditional values was not taken lightly; in fact, by today's standards, such horrific treatment for what is now considered an everyday occurrence was more harsh than murders suffer by current standards. Those who acted out of the vows of matrimony centuries ago, as Hester Prynne did in The Scarlet Letter, paid a high price for their momentary pleasures of the flesh. In those days, the Puritans saw to it that such a crime was "punishable by death" (Zabarenko PG); behavior so unbecoming of a religious devotee deserved no less. However, Prynne escaped such a fate when she did the unthinkable: she chose to sleep with a "self-righteous" (Zabarenko PG) priest who ultimately fathered her child. After her adulterous affair was discovered, Prynne's punishment of wearing a red A on her bodice acted as a vivid reminder to all who saw her. Yet human beings were still human beings even back then -- it is just that extramarital affairs were not looked upon as an acceptable activity. While they are not exactly condoned within today's society, there has been a remarkable change in attitude toward the punishment of such sexual indiscretions compared to those of Hawthorne's time period. "What people are saying is that this is wrong but the temptation is great and it's part of being human that we fall into temptation. The extra thing about adultery is that if a person admits they were wron... ...oes nothing more than eat away at his heart and soul. Had they known of his participation, the townspeople would have relished the thought of such suffering. Clearly, tolerance towards such acts of the flesh was not welcome in the time of The Scarlet Letter. In an oppressed, emotionally smothered community as theirs, it is no surprise they were unable to see past the adultery and into the true love that had captured the characters. WORKS CITED Barna, Mark Richard. "Nathaniel Hawthorne And The Unpardonable Sin.," The World & I, (1998) : vol. 13, pp. 324. Grenier, Richard. "The Scarlet Letter Takes Liberties With History, Sin.," The Washington Times, (1995) : pp. PG. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "The Scarlet Letter." (New York: Bantam Books, 1986). Zabarenko, Deborah. "U.S. Obsession With Adultery Harks Back To Puritans.," Reuters, (1997) : pp. PG.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Stereotypes Essay -- essays research papers

RaStereotyping is a way of thinking about groups of people. It ignores the differences of the group, while emphasizing its similarity. One belief, that is a stereotype, is that red-haired people are hot tempered. Another belief is that Scottish people are stingy. Such thinking ignores many even-tempered redheads and generous Scottish people. Stereotyping emphasizes many differences between groups while ignoring their similarities to other people. It ignores that many blond and brown-haired people also lose their tempers. Stereotyping overlooks the fact that many American, Brazilians and French people are stingy. Stereotyping redheads or Scottish people usually does little harm. It typically leads to friendly kidding and good-natured jokes. Simple-minded stereotyping can be dangerous. The danger lies in exaggeration of differences in color, nationality, religion and language. We exaggerate the differences, ignoring what we share as human beings and become prejudiced. Prejudice is nourished by fear as it grows out of exaggeration. It is a profoundly negative emotion bearing the fruit of hatred. Racism is a form of extreme prejudice that leads to physical and psychological violence. Racists can be any color: white, black, brown, red or yellow. A white racist thinks all blacks are alike, while a black racist thinks all Hispanics are alike. In addition, a Hispanic racist may think all Native Americans are alike. The ethnic boundaries of racism "pigeon hole" anoth...

John Gardners Grendel and the Greater Power :: Grendel Essays

John Gardner's Grendel and the Greater Power Many of the characters in Grendel have direction and purpose in their lives. Wealtheow is self- sacrificing, and Hrothgar is out for personal glory. Unferth and Beowulf spend their lives trying to become great heroes so that their names may outlast their flesh. The dragon believed in nihilism, and the Shaper used his imagination to create something to believe in. Some of the characters’ philosophies may not have been commendable, but Grendel could not find any direction or purpose for his life whatsoever. Grendel looked for the intervention of a power higher than himself to lay the truths of the world upon him, an experience that the Romantics would characterize as an experience of the sublime. John Gardner portrays Grendel as someone who wants to find a philosophy, whether his own or someone else’s, that fits him and gives him an identity or a reason to live. By looking at the text from this perspective we can see how Gardner believes people should pursue, or rather, e mbrace a power greater than themselves. Grendel started his search for meaning with solipsistic beliefs, thinking himself the creator of the world he lived in. â€Å"I understood that the world was nothing: a mechanical chaos of casual, brute enmity on which we stupidly impose our hopes and fears. I understood that, finally and absolutely, I alone exist. All the rest, I saw, is merely what pushes me, or what I push against, blindly—as blindly as all that is not myself pushes back. I create the whole universe, blink by blink† (21-22). However, after speaking to the existentialist Fire Dragon, Grendel realized that aspects of his first theory didn’t make sense and that even after his death things will continue to exist. â€Å"Every rock, every tree, every crystal of snow cries out cold-blooded objectness† (172). When Grendel notices that events occur before he can think them into existence, his theory that he creates the world â€Å"blink by blink† is undermined. â€Å"†¦I think, trying to suck in breath, and all that I do not see is useless, void. I observe myself observing what I observe. It startles me. ‘Then I am not that which observes!’ I am lack. Alack! No thread, no frailest hair between myself and the universal clutter! I listen to the underground river. I have never seen it† (29). Because Grendel realizes his solipsistic theory does not hold true, he searches for a new theory, discovering one where he is nothing to the world but an object taking up space.